Insider says Evander Kane won't take a break from the game to sit on the bench

Sam Jones
June 10, 2024  (1:58 PM)

Insider says Evander Kane won't take a break from the game to sit on the bench
Photo credit: The Athletic

Evander Kane's resilience in the NHL playoffs has been nothing short of heroic, battling through severe injuries that prevent him from even sitting down during game breaks.

The Edmonton Oilers' forward, despite being hindered physically, has not let his spirit waver, showcasing an admirable dedication to his team and the sport.
Mark Spector recently highlighted that Kane's condition has escalated to the point where he must stand and pace in the tunnel between shifts, a stark contrast to his teammates' bench rest.
This revelation came to light during game one, shedding light on the severity of Kane's injuries which include a sports hernia from earlier in the playoffs and another unspecified injury sustained against the Dallas Stars.
Provide a closer look at his current predicament.
In light of his injuries, Kane's participation in practices has been understandably sporadic, yet he continues to make his presence felt on game days. The Oilers have adjusted their lineup, promoting Adam Henrique to Draisaitl's line, while Kane will take a spot on the third line, confirming his intent to play despite not being at full strength. Further details on these adjustments can be found at
Despite only tallying one point in his last eight games and a total of eight points across 19 playoff games, Kane's impact transcends point production. His physical play remains a critical aspect of his game, evident from a recent altercation with Tkachuk, which he managed to navigate without penalty.
Kane's ability to agitate opponents and potentially draw penalties could prove invaluable, especially given the Oilers' potent power play.
Tonight, as the Oilers face off against the Panthers at Amerant Bank Arena at 8:00 PM, they aim to even the series before heading back to Edmonton.
The home advantage could provide the boost the Oilers need, emphasizing the importance of maintaining momentum and the age-old adage in playoff hockey: "A series isn't lost until a home game is lost."
In related team news, the Oilers are making strategic adjustments, including benching Cody Ceci for the first time due to performance issues and bringing Vincent Desharnais into the lineup, details of which are discussed here:
scratching Cody Ceci.
Evander Kane's saga this postseason is a testament to his tenacity and the spirit of professional hockey—where determination often equals the physical prowess displayed on the ice.
As the Oilers strategize for their upcoming games, the focus is as much on tactical adjustments as it is on harnessing the grit and resilience of players like Kane, who continue to inspire with their unwavering commitment to the game.
10 JUIN   |   175 ANSWERS
Insider says Evander Kane won't take a break from the game to sit on the bench

Would you have preferred Kane to have surgery earlier this year so he could have played through the playoffs unscathed?

Yes, Oilers should've prioritized playoff health13979.4 %
No, Oilers needed him after bad start to year2715.4 %
See Results95.1 %
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