With his upcoming contract, Draisaitl will earn more than any other NHL player

Sam Jones
May 28, 2024  (1:07 PM)

With his upcoming contract, Draisaitl will earn more than any other NHL player
Photo credit: Perry Nelson -USA TODAY SPORTS

The Edmonton Oilers face a pivotal moment in their team management, particularly concerning the contracts of their star players, Leon Draisaitl and Connor McDavid.

With Draisaitl's contract nearing its end, the team must navigate critical financial decisions to secure their future success.
Leon Draisaitl, an undeniable powerhouse for the Oilers, has once again proven his worth, concluding the season with an impressive 108 points, placing him seventh in league scoring. His outstanding performance extends into the playoffs, where he currently leads in points. This kind of productivity in both the regular season and playoffs makes Draisaitl indispensable to the Oilers. Such talent and consistency in high-stakes games are what make Draisaitl the type of player who could be handed a blank check. Rumors suggest his next contract could crown him the highest-paid player in the league, a testament to his invaluable contribution to the team
While the Oilers might wince at the over 13.25M price tag, the consensus is clear: Draisaitl needs to be retained at any cost. The synergy between McDavid and Draisaitl is pivotal for the Oilers' aspirations to remain competitive in the Stanley Cup chase. Their combined strength on the ice is a cornerstone of the Oilers' strategy and future ambitions.
Amid these contract negotiations, the Oilers are faced with other tough roster decisions, particularly regarding the team's defensive lineup. While Evan Bouchard brings significant offensive skills to the team, his defensive game has been under scrutiny. The need for a more defensively responsible player might lead to difficult choices, including potentially cutting ties with Bouchard to free up cap space essential for prioritizing key contracts
General Manager Ken Holland has his work cut out as he looks to reinforce the team's defensive capabilities without sacrificing its offensive firepower. Keeping Draisaitl and McDavid together is not just a strategic move but a necessary one, as the Oilers aim to build around these superstars to enhance their chances of winning the coveted Stanley Cup.
As the Oilers maneuver through these crucial decisions, the overarching strategy is clear: prioritize the retention of Draisaitl and McDavid. Their unparalleled skill sets and contributions to the team are the linchpins for any future success in Edmonton's pursuit of hockey's highest honor.
28 MAI   |   159 ANSWERS
With his upcoming contract, Draisaitl will earn more than any other NHL player

How much would you be ready to spend on Draisaitl?

13 million6842.8 %
13.5 million2415.1 %
14 million3018.9 %
Pay 14 million or more3723.3 %
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