Next CBA will target Vegas's salary cap cheating, the NHL has confirmed

Sam Jones
June 9, 2024  (9:34)

Next CBA will target Vegas's salary cap cheating, the NHL has confirmed
Photo credit: Reviewjournal.com

As the thrill of the Stanley Cup Final takes off, the conversation off the ice is just as heated.

NHL's top brass, Gary Bettman and Bill Daly, held a significant press conference today, revealing plans to reassess the use of Long-Term Injured Reserve (LTIR) during the playoffs. This announcement could signal a pivotal shift in how teams manage their rosters and salary caps in the postseason.
Currently, the NHL operates without a salary cap in the playoffs, a provision that has been under scrutiny, especially given the strategic maneuvers by teams like the Vegas Golden Knights. Bill Daly acknowledged the ongoing discussions, hinting at potential changes:
"Bill Daly says the feedback he's got back from most GMs is a desire to tweak the current LTIR rules as it relates to not having a salary cap in the playoffs." The implications of such tweaks could redefine team strategies and the competitive balance across the league.
Daly further noted that while immediate changes to the LTIR policy might not be feasible within the lifespan of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), set to expire after the 2025-26 season, the issue is "on the NHL's radar."
This topic is expected to be a focal point in the forthcoming CBA negotiations—a complex dialogue between the NHL owners and the Players Union that governs numerous off-ice rules.
The LTIR strategy, notably utilized by the Vegas Golden Knights, has been a contentious topic. Over the past three seasons, player Mark Stone has been placed on injured reserve at the trade deadline due to chronic injuries, which, under current rules, allowed Vegas to acquire additional high-caliber players, thus fielding a "super team" during the playoffs.
This tactic, while within the rules, has sparked debates on its fairness and impact on the sport's integrity.
While any immediate changes are off the table until at least 2026, the ongoing discussions indicate a strong desire among team executives to amend the LTIR usage. This adjustment aims to maintain competitive fairness without stripping teams of the flexibility to manage player health and strategic roster decisions.
As the playoffs unfold and the spotlight intensifies, both on and off the ice, the NHL's approach to LTIR will undoubtedly be watched closely.
Perhaps, even this season could see an intervention if scenarios similar to previous years arise, marking a critical step towards addressing this loophole in the high-stakes environment of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
9 JUIN   |   70 ANSWERS
Next CBA will target Vegas's salary cap cheating, the NHL has confirmed

Is the current LTIR rule set too strict, or do you think any NHL team could play by the rules?

It needs to be changed, it's a bad loophole6085.7 %
No change needed, it's fair game811.4 %
See Results22.9 %
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